Dr. Mark Karpa

Dr. Mark Karpa graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Manitoba in 1990. He has been practicing general dentistry for over 25 years.

He is the owner and operator of true north Dental Centre. Previously, he was the owner and operator of the Powerview – Pine Falls Dental Centre.

Dr. Karpa has professionally volunteered with the Employment and Income Assistance Committee, Peer Review Committee, Mentorship and Student Committee, as well as the Botox Bylaw Committee.  He was previously a Restorative, Oral Diagnosis and Radiology Instructor at the Faculty of Dentistry, at the University of Manitoba. He has also been the past chairperson and board of director member of multiple organizations and foundations.

Dr. Karpa is currently a Dental Consultant for the Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba as well as the Department of Justice, Criminal Law Division / Compensation for Victims of Crime.

Dr. Karpa was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He has been married for more than 20 years and has 2 daughters and a son.